Upload File - Documents Attached to this Stay, Contact or Account

The Upload File icon is one of several tool bar icons giving quick access to various functions. Not all tool bars appear the same; depending on the screen the tool bar is used with, different functions will be available. Several icons appear on many tool bars within Skyware and are therefore considered "common". There are also several tool bar icons which appear on few types of screen, but you may see often - some of the most important tool bars in Skyware are those found on the accounts screens, such as a guest account or any group account, or on the stay screens, for an individual stay screen or for a group booking. Whenever you work with guest and/or reservation information in the system, you will therefore see a version of this tool bar. The Upload File (Upload a file to the account or stay) icon is one of the icons for working with guest and/or reservation information in the Skyware system that appears on the Account and Folio Tool Bars. This is the first in sequence (from left to right) of the "unique" icons on these tool bars. Using this icon allows you to upload and view any files, documents or even an image attached to the account or to the stay.

The icon is shown as a page or piece of paper with words on, and a large red arrow.

Example of the Upload File icon

When selected, it opens the "Documents attached to this.... (Stay, Contact or Account)" screen, where you can click the "Choose File" button to select the correct file on your computer, and then click the "Then Press to upload the file" button to add the file to the account or stay. Any files already attached to this account or stay will be shown on this screen and may be viewed; If you want to subsequently remove an attached file from Skyware, just click the "X" next to the file to delete it.

Note: Once any file has been attached/uploaded, the "Upload a file for this Stay" icon will be YELLOW, not white, to indicate that at least one document is attached.




Date Updated March 21, 2024